Thursday 30 October 2014

Review: Anomaly

Hello to all you beautifully wonderful bookworms in the world!! So, yesterday my plan was to read The Cure for Dreaming, but then what had to be one of the coolest things of life happened: the freaking awesome people at Entangled Teen sent me an ARC of Anomaly by Tonya Kuper!!! This book was high on my TBR list, and I had settled down for the month-long wait, but then magicness happened, and Anomaly came!!!

I immediately opened it up on my Kindle and started reading. Holy convenient shark repellent, Batman! Here we go!!

Title: Anomaly
Author: Tonya Kuper
Release Date: November 25 2014
Rating: Pi Squared (for all you Josies out there!)
Source: ARC

Reality is only an illusion.
Except for those who can control it…

Worst. Birthday. Ever.
My first boyfriend dumped me—happy birthday, Josie!—my dad is who knows where, I have some weird virus that makes me want to hurl, and now my ex is licking another girl’s tonsils. Oh, and I’m officially the same age as my brother was when he died. Yeah, today is about as fun-filled as the swamps of Dagobah. But then weird things start happening…
Like I make something materialize just by thinking about it.
When hottily-hot badass Reid Wentworth shows up on a motorcycle, everything changes. Like, everything. Who I am. My family. What really happened to my brother. Existence. I am Oculi, and I have the ability to change reality with my thoughts. Now Reid, in all his hotness, is charged with guiding and protecting me as I begin learning how to bend reality. And he’s the only thing standing between me and the secret organization that wants me dead…

 This book cover is one of the coolest I have ever seen, and the book is one of the best that I have read! Like WOW.

So Anomaly begins on Josie Harper's crappy seventeenth birthday: her first boyfriend breaks up with her, her dad is somewhere over the rainbow, she's got a massive migraine, and her mom is being her insanely overprotective self. But then, two insanely hot guys enroll at her school, and for some weird reason, as soon as Josie pictures how she wants one of them to look, she gets a sharp pain behind her eyes. Then the guy takes off his motorcycle helmet, and to her shock, the guy looks exactly the way Josie had pictured. The guy, who later introduces himself as Reid, explains that she is an Oculus, and can manipulate reality through sheer willpower. Reid has to protect and train Josie, because there is a reckoning coming, and there are lots of people who don't want Josie to make it to it alive. Now Josie has to Push herself (pun intended) and train her butt off, otherwise she'll be royally screwed... Not to mention dead.

Josie: Josie is one of the most entertaining protagonists that I have ever had the pleasure of reading about. She's a self-proclaimed dork, constantly making hilarious physics, Star Wars, Star Trek, and X-Men references, and wears wicked awesome clothes that quote the aforementioned. She's also insanely smart, and is days away from receiving an award from the VP for excellence in physics. Josie is incredibly well written; her attitude and reactions to the world and the revelations of Oculi are completely believable and relatable. She's a great older sister to her younger brother Eli. The sexual tension and relationship between her and Reid is constantly shifting, from her wariness when they first met, to their relationship at the end. Josie learns to master her powers quickly (a result of her very high intelligence) and is a total badass!. She is written so well that it's easy to empathize and relate to her. Josie is officially my new #wcw!

Reid: Reid is badass. Like really badass. Whenever he uses his powers, it's like:

Dayyum! Like shown above: freaking awesome. Reid is insanely good with his powers, buff, smart, capable, and protective. In other words, HOT. He is charged with protecting and training Josie like Master Yoda, but way hotter, so probably more like Obi-Wan. He's an excellent teacher, even if his methods are basically derived from 'sink or swim.' His job also comes with a few secrets that he has to keep from Josie, regarding multiple issues and situations. The sexual tension between them is completely tangible and their relationship is very well paced. Hello, new book boyfriend!

Santos: Santos is Reid's best friend - his only friend actually, and is one of the main sources of comic relief in the book. He's a Pusher - and very good at it, and helps with Josie's training. He also serves as a buffer for some of the tense moments between Josie and Reid.

Hannah: Hannah is Josie's best friend, and she's a pretty awesome one. Hannah forms a fast friendship with Santos once he and Reid join the story. She's funny, supportive, caring, and sweet, even though she and Josie are practically polar opposites - Hannah's a cheerleader, and an enthusiastic, peppy one at that, and she's always there for Josie.

Mrs. Harper: She's definitely been through a lot in the past, and is unbelievably protective and suffocating as a mother. She sometimes comes across as cruel and cold, but she truly does care for Josie and Eli, even if her methods are a little unorthodox at times.

Eli: Eli is Josie's adorable little brother who loves his family, and playing video games, especially with his older sister. If I had a little brother, I'd want him to be like Eli.

Overall: Absolutely fantastic book! I went through the book insanely quickly because I was so into it! When I finished it, I was like wait,

The plot's pacing was perfect, the double POV was above par, the characters were amazingly well written, and the whole concept of the story is fascinating! The relationship and romance was very well realized. A debut novel fantastically well done! Major props to Tonya Kuper! Still can't get over that cover!

Have a fantastically amazing day everyone!

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